Thursday, August 7, 2014

Cattails, Cranes and Candy!

I have remarked many times to J.G. on this trip, "more Cattails".  They are profuse along much of the highways in upper Michigan and today I also saw them in Wisconsin.  I do not believe I have ever seen so many at  once.  I love the natural beauty of Cattails, I dry them and use in my flower arrangements at home.  I also noticed the Queen Ann's Lace is abundant. I see it along almost every road.  The wildflowers are just plain beautiful this year  in every state!

We have found fun, excitement, much natural beauty and hard times for residents of this beautiful state.  Over 100 inches of snow a year in this upper peninsula, I said over 100.... Amazing! The snow sports should do well.  We noted many abandoned properties, businesses and many properties for sale. House after house for sale, much of it waterfront.  Sad!

We loved Mackinaw City and Mackinac Bridge.  The Island with its Grand Hotel and Old Fort as well as well-groomed homes and storefronts was beautiful. The gorgeous Draft and Percheron Horses used on the Island take us back to a simpler time.  Everything is done by horses. You will see wagons and carriages being pulled on every street.  There really isn't any motor traffic.  There are scores of people on bicycles.  You can rent them when you arrive.

Fudge Candy is advertised much!!!  We decided to partake, of course, we were an easy target. I must say as we watched it being folded and mixed on a huge marble table,  I was not prepared or could I imagine how smooth and creamy it would be. Wow! Delicious!  The favorite for us was Chocolate Walnut. I bought two huge pieces.........Yum Yum!

Our next day was spent at the Painted Rocks National Lakeshore.  We enjoyed the colored cliffs and monuments formed by the erosion of nature.  The bedrock is constantly eroding and because of how soft some of it is the erosion causes fractures.  The colors of the ancient deposits are really something to see. This is along the south shore of Lake Superior. We saw Grand Island and the East Channel Lighthouse.

One more fun surprise awaited us on our trip back to Newberry.  Two Sandhill Cranes were walking along the roadway.  J.G. turned our jeep around and drove back to where we had seen the Cranes.  Photos were taken and we will share at the end of this post.  These are such large and majestic birds.  I love the red on their heads.  Blessings!

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