The stars aligned, my Lord blessed and the camera focused. I was so excited that I was shaking as I put the camera up and brought this great bird into focus. We have been seeing this Osprey almost everyday as we travel to our property. He sits looking for fish on Lake Conroe. We have also witnessed him diving into the water in all his majestic beauty. My husband and I have both spent much time thinking how we might catch a photo on such a busy road. Today I was alone, my husband was overseeing the work happening at our new home. I noticed as I came upon the bridge where we look for our Osprey that the traffic was unusually light. I drove by, saw our friend, pulled in to a drive nearby and waited till there was not a car coming in either direction, Unbelievable.......this was an extremely rare circumstance. I was Blessed!!! I love the intense way this bird looked straight at me.