Monday, January 13, 2014

Marsh Wren "Lifer"

This small 41/2 to 5" bird brought much excitement to our world.  It was new to our "Life" list of birds. This is always exciting to a birder.  We love to identify and make ours a new bird.  The Marsh wren was ours on this day. The black cap and white eye stripe were indeed striking.  We chased this little bird with our camera for as long as he stayed, which was not long.  The first short sighting yielded no photos.  We did get photos on his second visit for a positive identification.  The Marsh Wren forages for food in tall marsh grasses and reeds. It gleans aquatic insects, larvae, caterpillars, snails and sometimes other bird's eggs. I do not believe this wren stopped moving for the entire duration of the visit.  It was  flitting through the grasses and reeds constantly. I still visualize the beautiful markings of this Wren. A new joy in my world of birding! I am thankful for the sighting and relieved to capture his identity. Blessings!