Thursday, April 18, 2013

American Redstart

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Blessing Area, Quintana,Texas (continued)

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Visit to Tejano Wetlands and Quintana

 We were blessed to visit the Blessing,Texas area. We enjoyed time with friends as well as visiting some great birding sites.  Tejano Wetlands was a new one for us. We saw the Common Goldeneye at the wetlands. This was a new bird for me.  My pictures were good for identification, not close enough for detail. I will be posting several series of photos from this trip. I will identify the birds for anyone new to birding. The Ruddy Turnstone was also a new bird for me. He was very interesting looking. The Upland Sandpiper and American pipit were abundant on our trip,as well as the Savannah Sparrow. The Black and White warbler, Northern Parula, American Redstart (immature), Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Baltimore and Orchard Orioles,Summer Tanager,Eastern Kingbird,Rose-breasted Grosbeak and Hooded Warbler entertained us as well.   A Common Yellowthroat gave us a quick look at the Wetlands.   While we were at Quintana a beautiful Great Crested Flycatcher sat in a nearby bush .  Lucky Me!!  Blessings!

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