This experience with two male Eastern Bluebirds was definitely a scene we will not forget. My husband first saw them on the ground, one holding the other down. He called to me as he realized what was happening so that I could witness this battle with him. I am sure we were standing with mouths open, staring in disbelief. Our nesting Bluebirds were defending their nest. The invading male was apparently trying to take over or move into the resident Bluebird's territory. I, of course, did not have my camera lens needed for close photos in this situation. I was thankful to have my camera with me at all. I grabbed it and started shooting, moving as close as I could to the birds. I do not believe the two males were aware of my presence at first. They would notice me and fly to a nearby tree later. The feathers flew, face to face battle as you could not imagine of two small birds! Crazy! Amazing! This was an amazing display of defending one's home. I know that we will not forget this day! Blessings!!!