Thursday, December 18, 2014

December Again!

Hello to all, yes it is December once again.  This year has whizzed by and I have been chasing the months and never getting ahead. I hope you have enjoyed a healthy prosperous year.  If you are enjoying your winter birds, as we are, winter allows us to get a better look at our feathered friends. The leaves are almost gone from the trees and the bare branches allow us to see and photograph them a bit easier.  I counted 19 species in our yard today.  Our Hermit Thrush love their bath as well as the Orange-crowned Warbler and White-throated Sparrows. The peanut butter suet is loved by almost every bird in the yard. The Ruby-crowned Kinglet is a frequent suet visitor all day. The Sparrows love the seed on the ground and the suet. The Cardinals,Tufted Titmice,Carolina Chickadees,and American Goldfinch love the sunflower seed.

We were blessed to spend Thanksgiving in Comal County,Texas. We were camped near the Guadalupe River.  We enjoyed being given the opportunity to observe and photograph Fly Fishing on the river.  We made new friends  from Texas as well as South Dakota.  I will share photos of the fishing and the birds we enjoyed while we were visiting this area. The Guadalupe River is shallow in this area around New Braunfels.  We observed Common Sandpiper, Gadwall Ducks, Mallard Ducks, and the Osprey fishing in the mornings.  The Golden-fronted Woodpecker was seen many times. Hundreds of White-winged Dove sat on lines and in trees in this camping area. On one of our hikes we observed Wilson's Snipe foraging. So Cool! Blessings!