Sunday, May 15, 2011

Carolina Wren Nest

The Carolina Wren has blessed us by setting up housekeeping on our back porch. She was heard singing beautifully a couple of mornings before the nest sight was chosen. The back entrance is a busy place to decide to make your nest for any bird. We use this door almost exclusively. We watched as she began bringing nesting material, soon she had a helper and the both of them worked together. I decided to help her out by moving some gardening tools out of the way. I opened the box with a small plant shovel and she took to that immediately. She flew inside looking all around to check out the box and the entrance in and out. I loved watching her. My heart smiled as I felt I could almost read what she was thinking. We are hoping she will lay her eggs, raise her brood and they are fledged safely. What a Birders joy!

Mom Wren

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