This week brought new visitors to the yard. I have been anticipating the arrival of more fall birds. My binoculars revealed the presence of Chipping Sparrows and White-throated Sparrows yesterday. They were busy searching through the leaves and twigs for food. It is fun to watch how intently they search and never seem to get in each others way. The Orange-crowned Warbler found the suet . It was as if he had been here before and knew exactly where it would be . I like to believe the birds come back each year remembering the food and water as well as different trees and bushes they enjoy. We have several curious Chickadee families that live here. They are always flitting through the yard calling out their presence. They know every feeder in the yard and will grab a seed from each along the way. The Crows have moved out. They have spent many weeks in the Pecan trees devouring the nuts. They and the squirrels have cleaned the trees and moved to new places. We are enjoying the Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers which are visiting quite frequently. I have not photographed them this year. I hope you are enjoying your fall visitors and delighting in their antics in your yard.