Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ohio Birds,Backroads and Bakeries!

We are traveling once again. Ohio being one of the places we enjoy spending some leisure days.  The Millersburg and Berlin area  are so quaint and beautiful.  Our pace is slowed as we enjoy this  rolling farm landscape. The lush gardens of flowers,vegetables and fruit are abundant.  They beckon us to enjoy and taste the fruits of the Amish labor .  We love the bakeries and always "gain a few" when we partake of the fry pies and fresh baked bread.

Birds are abundant in this area also.  The crops and water attract many species.  We drove by a large tree with many birds in it yesterday.  I realized in a few moments that they were Northern Flicker with young.  We actually saw adults feeding their young. Fun to see!!! In Ohio we have seen the Eastern Kingbird, Yellow Warbler, Eastern Bluebird, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Red-winged Blackbirds, Eastern Phoebe, Killdeer, American Goldfinch, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Mourning Dove, Green Heron, Great Blue Heron, many Canadian Geese and Ducks, multitudes of invasive House Sparrows and many Hawks we have not identified.

Leaving Ohio's Farmland, as when leaving other areas of this amazing country saddens us and at the same time we look forward to our next adventure. I hope you enjoy my photos of the Holmes County area.  Blessings!