Monday, May 16, 2016

Wilson's Phalarope

Our visit to Rockport,Texas this spring provided new experiences as well as new life birds. On this first day of April we were visiting The Leonabelle Turnbull Birding Center in Port Aransas.  I want to encourage you to visit this center if you are in the area. I have visited several times in my life and have never been disappointed.  During migration opportunities abound for viewing species passing across the Texas Coast.  There is a raised boardwalk and observation tower halfway down the boardwalk.  The boardwalk provides a panoramic view of the pond and surrounding flats.  This day, a fellow birder shared a sight he had witnessed as he drove the road toward the center.  A large water filled flat on the right side of the road driving toward the center proved to be an awesome sight for him and for us. The birder believed he had seen the Red-necked Phalarope.  We quickly drove down to check this out.  The birds were actually Wilson's Phalarope.  These were life birds for us.   My heart smiles as I remember watching the Phalarope spinning like tops. The wind was so strong that day. I found it very difficult to keep the camera still.  I was determined to capture these moments and I did. The Phalarope create small whirlpools as they spin.  The whirlpools pull food to the surface where they can pick it up with their long slender bills.  Once again, I am reminded that the natural world may present some new sight for our eyes and senses at any given moment. Blessings to You!