Thursday, January 23, 2014

American Goldfinch, Pine Siskin and Dark-eyed Junco

I have been thinking about this hundreds of and I do mean hundreds of American Goldfinch inhabiting our property from early morning till late evening.  We have about 9 feeders that we fill everyday.  Many days we fill some more than once.  We also put seed on the ground and in a platform feeder. The population has continued to grow over the last several weeks.  The movement on the ground and in the yard is incredible.  I will be trying to observe other birds but find the finches are a big distraction.  We have one feeder that the birds continually battle with each other. My photos will show the way these guys bully, fight and dive at one another. It is amazing to see how "tempers flair".  We have enjoyed one Pine Siskin and one Dark-eyed Junco for the last week or so. The Goldfinches, Pine Siskin, and Dark-eyed Junco belong to the Fringillidae family of birds.  Worldwide, there are 151 species in this family.  Twenty three of these are in North America.  They are also Passeriformes, or perching birds. They are also called passerines. Passeriformes represent the largest order of birds. Texas is one of the states that provide winter home for the American Goldfinch.  I have never fed this many in the winter. I find this interesting. We are having more winter here in the Lone Star State! Many years I have seen as many Pine Siskin as Goldfinch. This year only one Pine Siskin to date. Juncos are usually in groups also.  We have just one in our yard. Information to ponder! Blessings!