Friday, November 4, 2011

Butterflies and Sparrow

The fall yard is so interesting. summer is winding down and winter is right around the corner. There are several varieties of butterflies gracefully flying from flower to flower. I was blessed to photograph the Monarch and the small Buckeye. The Cloudless Sulphur was also flitting across the red Turk's Cap and the Monarch seems to love the Lantana and wild onion in the yard.
My husband and I noticed small birds foraging on the ground near our feeders. The binoculars revealed Song Sparrows. These small sparrows must have arrived with the cold front last evening. We have been seeing only House Sparrows which we really would rather not have. There are so many of them coming to the feeders. Needless to say we were happy to see the beautiful marked male Song Sparrow. I watched several of these sparrows stay in the same area all evening. At dusk they were still scraping the ground looking for food. I will certainly put some seed out for them today. I expect to see the Chipping Sparrow soon. We usually have many in the winter as well as the Lincoln Sparrow.

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