Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Nashville

This four and one half inch warbler has brought smiles to my face more times than any other bird.  Normally the Nashville Warbler is only a migratory visitor to our part of the United States.  We always anticipate seeing him on his trip north for the summer.  He loves his bath and you can visually see his enthusiasm at the water.  My nickname for him is "Personality Cute".  His fluffed feathers and chestnut crown make him an adorable sight.  His crown is more concealed most of the time.  The white eye ring is very distinct and is a quick  identifier along with his gray blue head.  I believe he is the only North American warbler with a yellow throat, no wing bars, a white eye ring and a blue-gray head.  He jumps around and moves quickly as do other warblers.  He never seems to mind if others bathe or watch as he is in the water. He is not intimidated easily as you will notice in my photos.   I have noticed that several different warblers often come to the water together. I assume that they are traveling together.  You will most likely not have a problem identifying this little bird.  Here's hoping he pays you a visit at your water.  Blessings!