Monday, June 8, 2015

Energy in Motion, Hummingbirds!

This is not my first post on Hummingbirds and it will not be my last one.  I believe these tiny birds provide entertainment for we humans as much or more than any other species of bird.  We are fascinated by their speed, attitude and habits.  Last year J.G. and I happened upon a Hummer nest while we were traveling in the Arizona, New Mexico area. We found it while we were on an early walk through our RV Park. On close inspection of an Oleander bush, we saw the nest.  I must say it seemed to me to be tiny, precise and beautifully made. This nest belonged to an Anna's Hummingbird.  We walked back for our cameras and were blessed to capture the beauty.  We photographed the Buff-bellied Hummingbird on a visit to Goose Island State Park.  This bird has a beautiful red bill and green throat.  Mother's day was truly a "buzz" with Hummingbirds in our yard. The week or two before had kept us busy filling our nectar feeders. One feeder is all that is necessary to satisfy the few Hummingbirds we enjoy now.  This 2015 spring brought many more Ruby-throat Hummingbirds than 2014 did to our yard. I believe each year is unique and we just anticipate seeing as many as visit. While in Austin in May, a visit to Pedernales State Park allowed me some nice photos of the Black-chinned.  I love the purple band under his black chin.  I hope you enjoy these amazing birds where and when you see them.  Blessings!