Our birds in the yard are spending much time at the bird baths. The Gray Catbird,Summer Tanagers,Brown Thrashers,Baltimore Orioles,Ruby-Throat Hummingbirds as well as the other yard residents are hot and looking for a fresh drink and cool bath.All of the birds love the water drips on the baths. The Baltimore Orioles have decided to drink from the Hummingbird feeders as well as fight over the oranges. It is funny to watch an Oriole hop on the nectar feeder and look around before they start to drink. Today was the first day I actually witnessed male and female Hummingbirds setting side by side drinking together. I made a mental note to remember this scene. I found myself feeling pure pleasure watching and photographing the beauty and antics of the birds today. I love days when there is so much bird activity to enjoy. I pray your day was as blessed as mine!