Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Birds and Critters at the Water!

I once believed that food was the answer to enticing birds to your yard. I still believe this to be true in the winter.  I now realize after many years of providing both water and food, water is the most attractive to all species of birds. The feathered friends arrive early for a drink and in late afternoon compete for a turn to bathe. The Brown Thrasher sneaks in around midday. The Gray catbird prefers late morning.  The Hermit Thrush about 5 p.m. in the winter. As the days lengthen the Thrush will come later around 7 p.m. when there are fewer other birds around.  A few days ago the Eastern Bluebirds arrived around 9 a.m.  They were a beautiful sight to behold.  I have nicknamed the Tufted Titmouse,"Personality Plus". We find great enjoyment from the antics of these little birds. I have shared peanut feeder pictures in another post. Today I am sharing "The Bath". The Cat Squirrel was so cute, I had to include him. Blessings!

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