Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Backyard!

Spring Migration is far from over and I am already looking forward to next year and the next..... Each spring is so unique, weather and movement of the birds is something we can never fully understand.  I have experienced more Warblers in my own yard than ever before.  The Cedar Wax-wings seem to have stayed much longer this year. I saw many today. Gray Cat Birds are also more abundant, we have lost count. One Pine Siskin is still here.  I expect to see him gone each morning. I feel the busy attitude of all the nesting birds in the yard. They seem to be in a hurry seeking food for young or a quick bath and then back to the nest. Our resident Red-bellied Woodpeckers remind us to put more peanut butter suet out each day. I noticed that the woodpecker became more vocal when my husband came outside.  I realized the Red-bellied was trying to get my husband's attention.  No Suet On The Tree!!!
I got it!!! We believe he or she is carrying it back to the nest for the family. The colors of these beautiful creatures amaze the eye and my heart jumps at God's beauty.  I hope you enjoy their unique beauty! Blessings!

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