Thursday, February 28, 2013

Hermit Thrush

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Hermit Thrush Visits!

This adorable Hermit Thrush has entertained us for the last couple of weeks.  There are at least two visiting the waterfall each morning and evening.  The visits are around 7 a.m. and again between 5 and 5:30p.m., most days.  We have barely had coffee before we must move to the porch to watch for our little friend. Cameras set up, binoculars close, "There he is, one of us whisper".  What fun!, we are frozen in our positions, watching as the splashing lasts only a few seconds and then off he or she flies to the woods.  I sat there mesmerized by the different birds flying in for so long a few days ago that my leg went to sleep. We will certainly miss our little Thrush when he moves to his summer home . He has given us so much pleasure during this winter in our new yard. Blessings!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Red-shouldered Hawks

 This day provided a close encounter with a pair of Red-shouldered Hawks.  My spouse spotted a hawk in a hidden position sitting high in a tree.  As we moved a bit we could get a much better look .  The following photos were shot as we watched the two pulling lichen from the tree.The larger male flew over from his spot in the tree to help.  We assume they were gathering nesting material. The two of them continued gathering for several minutes.  One apparently realized we were near and off he went and then the other flew away also.  Our day had been made because of this beautiful witness of nature. Blessings!

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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

More Hill Country Ranch Photos

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Visiting Family in The Hill Country

My visit to the Austin,Texas area provided amazing vistas for viewing in the early morning.  My daughter and son-in-law live on a ranch in this beautiful hill country.  I was blessed to sit on the front porch early in the morning and drink in the beauty before me. The coffee was awesome also!  I captured the first photos here looking out over their property.  The morning light filtered through the trees showcasing the rugged bark. The sunrise on this morning was beautiful. My son-in-law raises exotic deer. Over the years peacocks,buffalo,elk and other animals have lived here. A zebra named Chloe is a new member of the family. They have a donkey named Action Jackson. He and Chloe are great buddies. The Belted Galloway Cattle were a gift for my daughter.  I enjoy seeing all the wildlife. My grandson took me for a ride to see the animals as he checked on them.This was great fun allowing me to get a closer look at the animals. One morning  I watched a "Pepe Le Pew" Skunk amble through the tall grasses as the morning light brightened.  He was going to his day home after a night out roaming around. I hope you enjoy the photos of my visit. Blessings to all!

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