The Red-breasted Nuthatch with his cute little chatter caught my eye flying from the tree to the seed feeder. He brought friends and several entertained me flying back and forth so quickly my eyes were having a hard time following them. I had never seen him in the yard.
Later on the same day I looked out my window and on the tree snag sat a Wren. This was not my usual little Carolina Wren. I had never seen this wren at my house. This was a House Wren. It is a common wren seen in this part of the country but new to my yard. Wow! I felt so happy to be given the opportunity to witness new visitors. I had read that other Bird watchers had Hummingbirds staying over in the winter but this had not happened to me. Well, What a surprise, a female Rufous Hummingbird stop by my flowers and nectar and decide to stay. She is still here. I see her most days. If you are a Birder and I assume you are interested in birds or you would not enjoy my blog, I call this day"awesome". Stay tuned for new birding adventures as my husband and I will be moving into a new area and new birds will come to visit.
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