Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Caddo Lake State Park

A wonderful Tuesday in Caddo Lake State Park. After lunch I headed out to check out any birds moving around the campground. Jim was resting after a strenuous day repairing the ailing motor home. That is another story. I am on birds! I witnessed a Pileated Woodpecker as I moved down the road away from the campground. He was loud and very busy on a huge pine. A few campsites later I saw the Downy Woodpecker,also very busy. In the course of my walk I saw the Hooded Warbler, BlueJay, Carolina Chickadee and Tufted Titmouse. Before I forget, this morning was the very best birding. Jim and I drove around the area. We happened upon a Wood Duck family cruising the lake. We were so excited to see them. Beautiful, amazing birds!

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