Sunday, July 2, 2017

The day of Fledge, Great Crested Flycatchers


Speedy Fast!

Many types of insects!

A young bird preparing to fly!

Parent encouragement!

Parental consultation!!
The Calendar date is June 28, 2017.  Our flycatchers arrived to nest in our yard around the 23 day of May.  This was the first day I became aware they were here and I actually saw them both on top of one of our bluebird houses.  Today I witnessed the young leaving the nest.  I had walked down to where we have a photo blind set up to observe birds and photograph them. As I walked closer to the trees near the blind I heard the G.C. Flycatcher parents making sounds to each other. I have heard this communication many times over this past month.  The call was a bit different in that the female was right above my head high in a tree. Her call was consistent and she did it continuously for awhile.  I sat down in the blind still aware that something different was happening.  Yesterday the parents were continually arriving with food for the young in the nest.  Today the parents were close but not coming to the nest box.  They were in trees close by the box.  I do not know when the first bird fledged, I witnessed 2 flying from the box.  The scene I described had most likely been happening for awhile before I arrived. I first saw a head pushing forward from the nest box opening.  I had thought it was an adult coming out of the box at first.. I then saw the parents in tree and realized it was a young Flycatcher trying to fly the nest.  The young rocked back and forth, its head would be seen and then go back inside until finally it flew out very quickly toward nearby Cedar Trees. I have not seen any of the young since they fledged.  I have seen a parent with a bug in its mouth calling from a nearby tree to locate the young.  I believe there were four eggs in the beginning. I assume they all grew to be able to fledge.   This has been such a beautiful experience.  I am so thankful my husband and I were blessed to witness this journey in Bird Life.  Blessings!   Post Script! Yesterday we did see the Flycatchers flying on the back of our property. We feel the parents are feeding and teaching the young ones each day. We are not sure how long they will stay in the area. We are happy their nesting was successful although a bit sad that this adventure comes to an end.