Saturday, January 9, 2016

Feeding Our Winter Birds

I find feeding the birds in the winter very rewarding.  As natural food sources deplete in the area, many more birds show themselves at the feeders .  We offer food for our winter friends in hanging feeders, on the ground, suet stuck in holes in cedar snag, suet on bark of tree, peanuts in a feeder and if we are blessed to have a Hummingbird stay the winter, nectar.  I have found that you can attract your birds to many type feeders.  It may take a few days for them to adjust to a new source. Plan to be consistent in your offering and be patient. The suet I make in the winter is popular with nearly all the birds. Our Hermit Thrush, shy as they are, also love the suet.  I have seen them get very comfortable being out in the open to eat it. The American Goldfinch and Pine-Siskin are very eager seed eaters.  We have a tough time keeping them in seed all winter. Each year is unique in which birds spend time in your yard.  We try to offer a variety of food and hope new birds will be attracted to spend time here.  Blessings!