Monday, December 23, 2013

Photos of Post "Blessings of 2013"

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Blessings of 2013 and Our Birds Enjoying Goat Weed and Suet!

I am appreciative of all who visit my blog through the year.  This year is quickly coming to an end and as I am writing this post I reflect on how blessed I am to enjoy my love of the outdoors and birding with others. May the new year bring hope, joy, love and prosperity to each of you. 

Winter has arrived for a visit.  Our fine feathered friends are hungry and certainly visiting in large numbers.  I make a peanut butter suet in the winter and my husband(J.G.) and I fill holes in hanging logs and a dead cedar snag.  Once the suet is out in the morning, a flurry of birds compete for a perch to  sit and enjoy it. The cardinals usually arrive first with the Tufted Titmouse, Carolina Chickadee and Carolina Wren close behind. Many days the Pine Warbler will sit on a nearby branch waiting patiently for me to fill the holes.  I will turn to leave and down he comes, grabbing at the suet, as fast as his beak can be filled. Needless to say, the suet does not last long in the morning.  We usually fill the holes again in the afternoon.  We have seen the birds I have already mentioned as well as the Hermit Thrush, Orange-crowned Warbler, Red-bellied Woodpecker, Blue Jays, Chipping Sparrows and Crows eating our suet.  

The American Goldfinch and Chipping Sparrows have entertained us the last couple of weeks.  We have Goat Weed in our front landscape. We have found that birds love it in all seasons. They love the seeds.  The American Goldfinch will hang all over it in an array of different positions. You will see some of these in my photos.  The Indigo buntings love it in the spring and summer.  The Ruby-crowned Kinglets were all over it in the fall.  Sparrows hang around it by the dozens.  We have realized how much it is utilized by the birds. We have entertaining birds!!! Blessings!