I am writing this post two days before Thanksgiving. We are enjoying an early winter. This is the first year in many that I can remember cold weather in November. We had a mix of sleet, rain and snow today. Temperatures were above freezing so no accumulation. I made peanut butter suet for our yard birds. My husband and I are filling the suet tree holes quite often. The Cardinals usually arrive at the suet first with others following quickly. This morning the Pine Warbler sat in a nearby bush and waited for me to fill the suet holes. We have Tufted Titmice, Carolina Chickadees, White-throated Sparrows,Carolina Wrens, Blue Jays, Northern Cardinals, Chipping Sparrows, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Blue-headed Vireos, Yellow-rumped Warblers, American Goldfinch, Orange-crowned Warblers,Dark-eyed Juncos, as well as Red-bellied Woodpecker and Downy Woodpecker. Yesterday a loud Northern Flicker sat in one of our large trees on the property. I found the flicker with my binoculars and heard his call several time as he sat on the branch. The weather has brought all the birds as well as one rat to find our food. We love our bird visitors, not so much the rat! I failed to mention our Hermit Thrush visiting daily for a bath. This bird has such personality and beauty. I hope you enjoy his photos. Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings!
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Song Sparrow
Our visit to the mountains in Tennessee as I have shared before allowed us to enjoy great beauty. I did not get to share this cute bird that came to our campsite. He had a beautiful little song and really was not shy as he visited the cedar next to our site. I have seen a Song Sparrow before although never this close or length of time. He paid very little attention to me as he moved in and around the cedar. My husband was down by the river working on his photography. He missed this visit. We both had observed a sparrow a distance from our camp the day before. We were never able to catch him in good light. We did identify that it was a Song. It was good to do some bird watching after all the beautiful mountain scenery photography. I love to observe as well as photograph these beautiful little creatures of God. I find each one so beautiful and unique. I hope you enjoy the Song Sparrow. Blessings!

Sunday, November 3, 2013
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