I have been extremely busy with the move to our new home. Blogging has been on the back burner! A couple of days ago my spouse and I were traveling to the old residence or coming back to the new, not sure which way we were going. Never mind the particulars, we saw a bird flying low to the field. We both realized it was not our usual Red-Tailed Hawk. We usually see hawks or American Kestrels along our journey. This was actually the second time I had seen this bird in the same area. Today, my spouse of a birder, pulled to the side of the road so that I could capture these photos. We did not identify the bird till later. This is the great part of getting a photo for positive identification. We enjoyed watching him fly so low and dip down and fly up with all that amazing gracefulness. I had seen Harriers before but never at such close distance. I had always seen them flying high overhead or seen their white from behind as they soared. I looked for him today as I passed the place we had seen him, not there. Hope you enjoy the pictures. Blessings!