Four Golden-cheeked Warblers visited our campsite Thursday morning in Pedernales State Park. We were enjoying our morning coffee in the outdoors. The time was around 7:30 a.m. and the Black-crested Titmouse and Carolina Chickadee were visiting our water drip. I saw the warblers appear in the Cedar close to us. My first thought was Black-throated Green Warblers. Within seconds my husband and I realized they were Golden-cheeked pairs. Our visitors stayed around for a while and we were indeed thrilled. No pictures were taken as we were not prepared for this event which certainly highlighted our visit to the park. We had enjoyed the Painted Bunting, Rufous-crowned Sparrow and Lark Sparrow in the bird blind the day before. As always, we love to visit our Texas State Parks. Pedernales is one of our favorites!
Tuesday brought excitement as we welcomed a large flock of Eastern Kingbirds. We usually see one or two but have never enjoyed so many at one time, They will set on a perch until the sight an insect, then fly out to grab it. They were beautiful to watch as they flew up in the air and sometimes down to the ground catching their food. We have plenty of insects so are happy to have them eating in our yard. I did observe several feeding from the same trees this afternoon.