We were pleased to see the Lark Sparrow this week. It has been several months since our last sighting of this adorable little bird. His beautiful markings on his face are easily identified. He is a resident in East Texas. He was sitting on a barb-wire fence. We usually see him on the ground or moving through the grass.

As I was sitting on the back porch this evening, high in the sweet gum tree, sat two birds. I was trying to identify when the yellow rump flashed . Wow! I believe this is early to have the cuties in the yard. They love the Wax Myrtle berries in the winter. We have many of these bushes or did until this drought killed some of them. My heart welcomed them back and I look forward to sharing the cold mornings with them. Their sounds can be heard and they are seen regularly bathing and drinking at the water drips all winter. I have been watching for the White-throated and White-crowned sparrows to arrive for the winter. I also look forward to the Lincoln Sparrow and the Orange-crowned Warbler. Winter is my favorite time in Texas.