Friday, August 19, 2011

Common Merganser

The Mergansers were seen as we were leaving the island this morning. Jim spotted them on Lake Ontario. We pulled off the road and began taking photos. This was a new bird for us. We enjoyed the blessing as we do each day of our travels. These ducks were not concerned at all that we were watching them. New wildlife is always out there waiting for you to notice!

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Thursday, August 11, 2011

Blessings of the Day!

This amazing week on Lake Ontario has filled our eyes with many beautiful birds. We have enjoyed the antics of American Goldfinches guarding their thistle territory. Yellow Warblers dive across our path and over our heads. An elegant Bald Eagle is perched high, hunting over the lake. We have seen Baltimore and Orchard Orioles, Lincoln Sparrows,
Song Sparrows,American Robin,Belted Kingfisher,Canadian Geese,Solitary Sandpiper,Barn Swallows by the hundreds and of course our Eastern Kingbirds. I can't imagine it getting any better than this!
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Monday, August 8, 2011

August Day

Today was all about these Eastern Kingbirds. We enjoyed watching them nestled side by side on this limb. There were several adults flying in the same area. Several of my shots show the juveniles with their eyes closed. They were certainly not anxious to fly anywhere! We had not had the pleasure of seeing so many of these "cuties" before today, what a treat!

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Saturday, August 6, 2011

Henderson,New York

A beautiful sunset on Lake Ontario. The colors of the evening fill our eyes with God's glorious beauty. We are so excited to be here in New York. The small towns with beautiful old buildings and the glorious homes of a bygone era. I am enthralled with the different architecture. My first thought is heating and cooling must be very difficult as well as costly. My second thought is of the history of these majestic "old beauties". Many coats of paint, many seasons, many changes in owners and all the while themselves standing firm. Jim and I enjoyed a birding adventure this morning. We saw an Eastern King Bird, Yellow Warblers,Song Sparrow, American Gold Finches,American Robins as well as a few ducks and cormorants. Canadian Geese live here in the campground. Another wonderful day comes to a close.
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Friday, August 5, 2011

Summer Fun

The wren did fledge her young. We were not home at that time. Yesterday was a beautiful summer day. We visited Niagara Falls. I am always amazed at nature's wonders. The waters that flow over the falls come from four of the Great Lakes: Erie, Huron, Michigan and Superior. We walked to the Canadian side. The view of the American Falls is more beautiful from their side. We enjoyed the beautiful Queen Victoria Park. The flowers and landscaping were georgeous. There were many tourists and The Maid of the Mist was busy shuttling passengers back and forth to the falls. Jim and I were not surprised when we ended our day with a couple hundred photos!

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